Tbilisi (GBC) - The mortgage loan rate has increased. According to the NBG's review of the month, the interest rate on GEL mortgage loans in July increased by 0.1% to 11.9%.

For legal entities, mortgages in foreign currency also became more expensive. In July, it increased by 0.2% to 11.8%.

In the spring, if the downward trend of rates was maintained since the beginning of the year, in July-August the increase is already up to 5 percent.

Mortgage lending decreased by 1.3% in July, year-on-year growth is maintained, up to 11.3% y-o-y.

In general, lending has accelerated to 18.3% in annual terms, although the contribution of mortgages is 2.13% (01.08.2023 - 2.44%)

According to the NBG’s review, the increase in loan growth rate was mainly caused by the acceleration of lending in national currency. It increased to 22.4% in GEL and contributed 12.2% to the annual growth.